The Bottom Line Business Advisory

Where your business grows

The Bottom Line Business Advisory Pty. Ltd.
is a CPA Practice

If you are an employer, here’s a quick reminder for EOFY obligations…

If you are an employer, here’s a quick reminder for EOFY obligations…

  1. Payroll Governance:
    • Employers should use tax and super software to record payment amounts.
    • Withhold the correct amount of tax.
    • Calculate super guarantee (SG) correctly.
  2. Upcoming Obligations:
    • PAYG Withholding: From 1 July, individual income tax rate thresholds and tax tables will change, impacting PAYG withholding for the 2025 tax year.
    • SG Rate Change: From 1 July, the SG rate will increase to 11.5%. Ensure timely SG contributions to the correct fund by 28 July.
    • Single Touch Payroll (STP) Reporting: Make STP finalisation declarations by 14 July for all employees paid during the financial year. Verify year-to-date amounts and ensure accurate declarations for the 2023–24 financial year.

Remember to review payroll policies and procedures to account for any changes that could impact your business.

For any help on your tax and super obligations, don’t hesitate to contact us.


All information was sourced from with the aid of copilot.

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